FFfAW Challenge – 166th


166th Challenge

Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers

Week of 05-08 through 05-14-2018

Please send me any photos you have taken and would like to have used for FFfAW Challenge prompts. Please put your name or name of your blog on the photo/s. Please send them to: mepricelessjoy@gmail.com. I appreciate any and all that is submitted. Thank you!



get the InLinkz code


This week's photo prompt is provided by Enisa. Thank you Enisa!

Guide for Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers

1. A prompt photo will be provided each Monday pm to be used as a base to your story. Please include photo prompt with your story.

2. Linking for this challenge begins on Monday pm and runs to the following Monday pm.

3. Please credit photo to photographer.

4. The story word limit is 100 – 150 words (+ – 25 words). Please try and stay within this limit.

5. Please indicate the number of words in your story at the end of your story. (It doesn't count into the amount of words).

6. This is a flash fiction challenge (stories in 100-175 words or less) and each story should have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Therefore, no serial (continuation) stories. They become too complicated for our readers.

7. Add your story to the InLinkz Link-up (Blue Froggy button). Please let me know if you need link-up instructions.

8. Please keep stories below R rating.

9. Please respect the diversity of our readers and writers in regard to race, religion, and life style choice when writing your stories.

10. Remember, half the fun is reading and commenting on each other's stories.

If you are new to this challenge I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the FFfAW challenge. Welcome! We are happy you have joined us. If you have been away for awhile, welcome back!

***H A V E**F U N*** !!


22 thoughts on “FFfAW Challenge – 166th

  1. […] This is my 100 word story for the flash fiction challenge, Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers. We are given a photo prompt that is kindly photographed by our participants and approximately 75-175 words with which to create our stories. It's fun and everyone is invited to participate. For more information, click HERE. […]

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Every afternoon at exactly the same time, down to the second, he would stand by the window and point his arm with the beautiful watch out the window. Without fail, down to the second, around the corner, he would appear. Why and how this developed, neither would say, but it was as important to both of them, as seeing one another on Christmas morning.


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