FFfAW Challenge-Week of April 11, 2017


110th Challenge

Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers

Week of 04-11 through 04-17-2017

My mother has passed away so please forgive me for not being able to read or comment on your stories this week. I hope you will continue to read and comment on each other's stories.



get the InLinkz code


This week's photo prompt is provided by Maria with Doodles and Scribbles. Thank you Maria!

Guide for Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers

1. A prompt photo will be provided each Tuesday to be used as a base to your story. Please include photo prompt with your story.

2. Linking for this challenge begins on Tuesday and runs to the following Monday evening.

3. Please credit photo to photographer.

4. The story word limit is 100 – 150 words (+ – 25 words). Please try and stay within this limit.

5. Pingback to the challenge post in your story's post.

6. This is a flash fiction challenge (stories in 100-175 words or less) and each story should have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Therefore, no serial (continuation) stories. They become too complicated for our readers.

7. Add your story to the InLinkz Link-up (Blue Froggy button). Please let me know if you need link-up instructions.

8. Please keep stories below R rating.

9. Please respect the diversity of our readers and writers in regard to race, religion, and life style choice when writing your stories.

10. Remember, half the fun is reading and commenting on each other's stories.

***H A V E**F U N*** !!


99 thoughts on “FFfAW Challenge-Week of April 11, 2017

  1. Oh my goodness, PJ I am so sorry to read about your mother. My condolences for your loss. Please take all the time you need to make it through this time. I’m sure we would all understand if the weekly challenge prompts need to go on a hiatus until you feel up for it again. I would miss the prompts terribly but your health, mental and emotional, is top priority. Sending you love and hugs ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Oh my dear PJ. Please receive my heartfelt hugs and prayers for you. My condolences my dear. ❤ ❤ ❤ Please take care of yourself. Take a break if you have to. We will wait for you. Much love. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh dear… my condolences dear PJ. Yes, please take all the time that you need. Always remember that we are hear and our prayers are with you and your family. Take care, PJ. I’m sending you love and hugs. ❤


  4. Oh, no, I’m sorry to hear about your loss, PJ. Take as much rest as you need, and no one would mind if you took a break. Your own family will come first, and I will be sending thoughts your way ❤ Please take care.


  5. Oh PJ! I am so so so very sorry to hear! I am a bit behind and was realizing I hadn’t heard from you recently. You are in my heart right now my sweet friend! Forgive me for missing this. Sincere sympathy and big tight bear hugs. ❤ With love, Jodi


    • Thank you Jodi. I send you a comment about it but when I didn’t hear back from you I knew that you didn’t get the comment otherwise I would have heard from you. I understand. It has been a difficult week trying to get funeral arrangements made and getting her body here for the funeral. We had to put the funeral for next week so her brother (only living sibling) can come. I will probably be away from the blogs next week too. I have been reading and replying to comments but not reading any posts. Thank you for your kind words. It means a lot to me. Much love! XO

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      • I am so so sorry I missed. Oh sweet friend I hope you are ok. I hope you feel the love of so many who care about you during this difficult time. It is never easy – never the right time – we are never fully prepared for this. Feel the love. Feel my love to you sweet, kind, faithful friend. Wrapping you in love. ❤


      • Honestly Jodi, I am in shock. I had made airline reservations to go see her and before I could get there she passed away. It doesn’t seem like she has died. It just seems like a bad dream and I will wake up from it. I think when I see her in the casket it will hit me and become real. Thank you so much for your warm thoughts and words. Monday and Tuesday are going to be very hard.

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      • I was going to ride down with my niece and her husband and kids. Mom was alert and knew her visitors then. I was packed to go. My brother asked me to wait because he thought it would be too many visitors for her and so I waited and made airline reservations to go. I wish I had ridden down with my niece.

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      • I know, I shouldn’t second guess. I did what my brother and I thought was best at the time. I at least got to talk to her and tell her I was coming down to see her. And, I did get to talk to her daily until she went to sleep. The Hospice nurses gave her moraphine and she went to sleep and never woke back up. She died about 24 hours later.

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      • Oh yes, he did. He was just crushed that I didn’t get to see her. He kept telling her, “please hang on until Patty can get here, please just hang on a few more days.” Of course she was in a deep sleep and probably didn’t know what he said.

        Liked by 1 person

      • They actually say hearing is the last sense to go so she may have heard and felt comforted. She knows you were with her in love.


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